Sunday, September 15, 2013

"My Physical Being"

Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

This blog post  is part of my participation in a weekly writing meme called, "The Book of Me, Written By You"  You too can be part of this experiment/experience, there is more information here, and at this Facebook page.

I may or may not publicly share what I write each week.  This week I share, most of the challenge, not all. 

Week 3.  Describe your physical self.

Your size – clothes size:  When I was young:  Many many moons ago, I wore a size 10 dress or pants.  I have gained a few pounds since then, I was in a 14 at one time (and honestly, I was on the way to the 16).  I was happy with the 10, not so happy with the 14.  Today I waiver around the 12 size, sorta happy.  In my mind's eye I am the size 10, wish the scales agreed. Shoe size between and 7 and 8 (American) depending on the style.

I like loose clothes so I wear a Man's large in a t-shirt, sweatshirt and jacket, I prefer the men's shirts, ladies shirts just are not comfy.   I have a long standing goal to wear blue jeans (skirts, skorts, or long pants) 365 days straight.  I keep having to reset day 1, as life just keeps tossing black pants days at me.  I like comfy, loose clothes, jeans, tennis shoes or hiking boots, t-shirts with layers of sweat shirts and sweaters and jackets, if necessary.  What you cannot see is that any day under 72 degrees F, I will also be wearing thermies under the jeans.

Here I am in Death Valley California in March of 2013.  I am dressed for comfort, do not doubt it.  I never carry a purse, always a small fanny pack, this one is by Bagallini, have had it for years, love my Bagallini. Hat to shade my sun sensitive eyes.  Keys clipped onto the belt (and tucked into the pocket).  Keys are to Jolly the towing machine truck.  I hate being locked out of stuff, so, I always have some keys hanging around. T-shirt.  Blue jeans skort. And the hiking boots.  The epitome of fashion, that's me!

There are days I really should just cover up like I did here in ohhhh, 1981 or so:

I am several pounds overweight (number withheld), and I have diabetes, which I call the Demon.  I have had any number of people look at me and say, but, you are so skinny to be a diabetic. MMM, no, I am not.  Recently I had a young spring chicken tell me I did not look as old as I told her my age in real years was.  (I am not telling you here either.)  She said both Man and I did not look that old.  Why thank you young spring chicken for the compliment, but, my birth certificate and the calendar do not lie!

Scars:  probably still have one from my appendicitis surgery when I was 8.  I think there is one on my knee from a bike fender that found it's way into my flesh many many moons ago.

Eye colour: was blue at birth, still light, but, if I wear greens, they do tend to shift a bit.

Other suggested tidbits to add to this prompt were provided at YouTube. SOOO:

I have double pierced ears, but, no tatoos, and no other piercings.These days I wear the earrings and a "I am a Type 2 Diabetic" necklace and sometimes I add other jewelry, but, usually I forget to put other lovely pieces on.  I no longer wear rings, some do not fit that size 12, ahhhheeemmm (cough cough), body/fingers.  When I do wear jewelry, it is best if I don't wear the cheap stuff, I can turn the inexpensive stuff green in no time.  And, you outta see what I can do to the letters on a computer keyboard, they fade away at a remarkable quick pace.  Guess I am "acidic"?  Hold thy smart remarks, please.

I am allergic to most makeup and hair color and perms. I save a bunch of $$ not buying makeup.  So, I wear my hair in a pony tail, I donate that pony about every 2 to 3 years for children with cancer.  They cannot use my mixture of mostly gray with a bit of the ole me, mousy blondy/brown, but, they can sell the pony and use the $$ for administrative costs or to pay for wigs for children with cancer.

I wear glasses, 24/7.  Yes, you did read that correctly.  I sleep in my glasses, one must be ready to read email at 2:31 AM, right??  We all read email and Facebook at 2:31 AM, I know you do, fess up!  My grandtwins were amazed when I admitted this recently. "But, Gramma, don't you bend your glasses?  Gramma, you must sleep on your back all night."  No, I don't sleep on my back all night, and no, I don't bend the glasses.  But, I am ready to read that email at 2:31 AM.

Teeth:  My dentist says I have good teeth.  I have had several root canals, one was the root canal from, well, from that burning place none of us ever wants to go, eh?  And, I have several crowns, one of which was applied with temporary cement well over 20 years ago.  They could not get it back off to apply with permanent cement.  It has never moved.  Go figure - -

I have no wisdom teeth thanks to some oral surgery done when I was under 20.  Said surgery left me with a very small damaged nerve that caused a small spot (bout the size of an American quarter) of vague numbness in my cheek.  I have noted in recent years that that bit of numbness now looks like I have had a bit of a stroke, causing some drooping on that side of my face.  I never was an person of "evenness", so this fits the rest of me.

I also have 4 less permanent teeth than many adults, having had those removed when I was a teen for the orthodontist to make room in my too small mouth for the remaining teeth. (Now, now, restrain thy-selves, it may be too small for my teeth, but, it is overly verbose as we all know and at times a bit outspoken).

Draw your hands.  Skipping this in the public forum. I used to paint my nails, not sure why, but sometime I stopped doing that, and now, just au natural.  The skin is thinning, there are a few age spots, one rather large dark spot on the middle finger of the left hand that has been there for so many years I cannot remember it not being there.  The knuckles are larger than they were in my youth, but, I am blessed, no serious arthritis.

Finger print.  Also skipping in the public forum. Whew, glad that challenge is done.  If you have not done so, try this yourself. Take your time, you might find it interesting and eye-opening, even if you don't wear your glasses 24/7/ like I do.



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