Saturday, September 21, 2013

Reflections 2, May Be The Future Home of Reflections

Copyright 2013, CABS for Reflections From the Fence 2 

This blog, Reflections 2, is what I hope will be a temporary home/situation for my blog, Reflections From the Fence.

Due to a LOT of confusion over my domain name and billing, and a certain amount of uncertainty and panic on my part, I have created a duplicate blog, which can replace Reflections, if necessary.

I will be making some changes at Reflections and I am not sure if I will loose it all or not.

So, for now, I am taking Reflections 2 live.  In case - - -

Please note that Reflections 2 does NOT have all the blog posts I have written over the last 4.5 years.  They are here, they are NOT posted.  That will not be done unless it is necessary, as it will take up a major hunk of time, valuable time.

So, here we go!


1 comment:

  1. Fingers crossed xxxxx that all works out on Reflections, but great job moving things. Reflections 2 is the perfect twin!


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Remember, be nice, be considerate, & since this is MY sandbox, I get to say: No advertising will be published. No snarly comments will be published. Not that I have had many, but, just saying - -